Congratulations to our Scholarship Winners and High Achievers!

2024 Scholarship / GATE / Ignite / ICAS and ATAR High Achievers

North Shore Coaching College would like to extend its congratulations to our Scholarship Winners & High Achievers. Outstanding results once again reflect the hard work and dedication of our students and tutors.

To view the complete winners list, please click on the category to expand its corresponding tab.

2024 Private School Scholarships & Ignite Program Winners (SA)

We are very proud to announce that there are 51 scholarship offers our students achieved this year (2024). Six students received 100% private school scholarships and nine students received over 75% private school scholarships. We also have 49 students who have been achieving great success with the Glenunga international high school. We have not only achieved the top rank six years in a row, and 6 students have entered the overall ranking top 10 in this year’s Ignite test.
We formally congratulate our students for their fantastic efforts and success.
We also appreciate the time and effort parents spend with their children encouraging them to attend class, complete homework, and strive for success.

2024 Annual Award Presentation (WA)

On May 21st 2024, hundreds of students and guests gathered at the Assembly Hall of North Shore Coaching College at 288 Stirling Street to celebrate the outstanding academic achievements of our students at North Shore.

The Principal, Mr. Bill Ng, was delighted to announce that North Shore (WA) had another brilliant year, with over 154 students winning scholarships to prestigious schools and gaining admission to Gifted & Talented Selective Programs at government independent schools. Additionally, many students achieved a top 1% ATAR in 2023.

The event was filled with a number of poignant moments with one particularly where Mr. Bill Ng asked all students to stand up, turn to face their parents, and say,

“Mum and Dad, thank you, I love you, and I’ll make you proud.”

This heartfelt display deeply moved the parents, guests and staff as Mr. Bill Ng, continued to express his gratitude to everyone present for making the celebration so special.

Click here to see the full speeches.

2024 Scholarship / GATE Winners / Top 1% ATAR (WA)

2023 Private School Scholarships & Ignite Program Winners (SA)

We are very proud to announce that there are 62 scholarship offers our students achieved this year
(2023). Four students received 100% private school scholarships and four students received
over 75% private school scholarships. We also have 43 students who have been achieving great success with the
High School Ignite Program. We have not only achieved the top rank five years in a row, but 5 students
have entered the overall ranking top 8 this year, and a total of 15 students are among top 25 in this
year’s Ignite test.

We formally congratulate our students for their fantastic efforts and success.
We also appreciate the time and effort parents spend with their children encouraging them to attend
class, complete homework, and strive for success.

2023 Annual Award Presentation (WA)

“Welcome to our annual presentation. This year we have more than a hundred & 70 high achievers receiving awards… Congratulations to all of you! Winning top score in the ATAR; scholarships and/or the Gifted and Talented Exam is a remarkable achievement that you should be justifiably proud. This achievement is a wonderful return for your parent’s investment and your efforts; it also proves that you have the potential to thrive.”, WA Principal Bill Ng.

Managing Director and WA Principal’s full Speeches

Read our Managing Director Anson Mak’s speech here.
Read WA Principal Bill Ng’s speech here.

Winners’ Speeches

Ashvin Balavignan Chloe Lim
Hannah Nguyen Isabelle Wong
Luke Zhao Raamis Shazlee Muhammad
2023 Scholarship / GATE Winners (WA)

2022 Scholarship / GATE / Dux Winners (WA)
First NameSurnameSchool
AaravGohilDuncraig Senior High School
AdvaitBundelaCarine Senior High School
Akithmi MethayaWimalarathneHarrisdale Senior High School
AlishaGobalakrishnanSt Mary’s Anglican School for Girls
AlishaBalavignanPerth Modern School
AmadiDissanayakePerth Modern School
Amrut SushantDeshpandeWilletton Senior High School
AneeshSamantaPerth Modern School
AngelaHuangPerth Modern School
AnikaGuptaShenton College
ArtemAkselrodChrist Church Grammar School / Perth Modern School
Beshir YousifBilalKelmscott Senior High School
BhuvikaGargBunbury Cathedral Grammar School / Perth Modern School
Bianca BinojMathewHarrisdale Senior High School
BobHan- BusiPerth Modern School
BryanXiaPerth Modern School
BryceChanShenton College
ChelseaWuPerth Modern School / All Saints College
ClaireWangMethodist Ladies’ College / Perth Modern School
Claire Xue SiWenEllenbrook Secondary College
DaisyWuSt Hilda’s Anglican School for Girls / PLC / Perth Modern School
Danica Valerie VoPerth Modern School 
Diya  SanjaySt Hilda’s Anglican School for Girls  / Perth Modern School
DylanJoshyShenton College / Churchlands SHS
EmmaKuRossmoyne Senior High School
Eric Zheng YuanZhangPerth Modern School
EricaUdasCarey Baptist College / Harrisdale SHS
Erika LouiseCoelhoBob Hawke College / Shenton College
EshaneOngMelville Senior High School
FrederickJaconoPerth Modern School / Rossmoyne Senior High School
GraceHeSt Hilda’s Anglican School for Girls 
Hannah WangPerth Modern School
Hans Diyamantha Mahipala MudaligeHarrisdale Senior High School
Harish AlagumeyHarrisdale Senior High School
Inesh SasviduKumarathungaSt Norbert College / Perth Modern School
Isaac Ren ZaeLeePerth Modern School
IsabellaJinMethodist Ladies’ College
IsabellaYuanIona Presentation College
IyengarDakshPerth Modern School
JackyChePerth Modern School
JadeDoMount Lawley Senior High School 
JeremyWonRossmoyne Senior High School
JeromeTanPerth Modern School
JessicaSunShenton College
Jordan AureliusVoPerth Modern School 
Justin Ishmael MatanguihanHenaresPerth Modern School
KailunChenRossmoyne Senior High School
KandyDheerajPerth Modern School
Karen AnLeMount Lawley Senior High School
Kevin Luu Rossmoyne Senior High School
Kevin YiyiLiWilletton Senior High School / Melville Senior High School
KrishKapoorWilletton Senior High School
KritishSaimathavanPerth Modern School
KrutavTiwariPerth Modern School
Kylie ZhangSt Mary’s / MLC / Perth College / Perth Modern School
Lewin SojanMathewHarrisdale Senior High School
Lilia Inna BradleyPerth Modern School 
LucasKhooRossmoyne Senior High School
Lucas Yuhan WeiShenton College
MadhavMalhotraRossmoyne Senior High School
Mahrus TarifKhandokerMelville Senior High School
Maira SinghRossmoyne SHS / Perth Modern School
MatthewWangPerth Modern School
Metta Hong ChiChuaPerth Modern School 
Millard You RuiChongCarine Senior High School
Misri Praful UmaretiyaDuncraig Senior High School 
Mohammad ShawaizHasanKelmscott Senior High School
MudithKariyawasamPerth Modern School
Nikhil Sai VarmaMantenaChrist Church /All Saints / Perth Modern School
OliviaJiangPerth Modern School
OliviaKimPerth Modern School
Prisha HardikkumarPatel Kingsway Christian College / Carine Senior High School  
RaadinEbadiPerth Modern School / Willetton Senior High School
RamelSethu RamanPerth Modern School
RamviraatJuvvadiPerth Modern School
Raysha Amindi Elvadura Perth Modern School 
RheaDhsrmesh Perth Modern School 
RiyaShresthaPerth Modern School
RohitGagan GuptaPerth Modern School / Rossmoyne SHS
RoseZhangPerth Modern School
Rudraksha BrahmbhattPerth Modern School 
RushilTallakokkulaPerth Modern School
RyanBaiMount Lawley Senior High School
RyanFanPerth Modern School
Sara Rajwani Perth Modern School 
Sarah ElizabethPaulBob Hawke College 
Sarah MariaPrinceHarrisdale Senior High School
Senith SenhasPalliyagurugePerth Modern School
Shameerhaa ThayalanShenton Collage
ShiyingZhouShenton College
Sushree TaraManglaPerth Modern School
Tanisha SinghPhullShenton College
TanushaRajanHarrisdale Senior High School
TinaKaharkaboodiHarrisdale Senior High School
VidaaSandeepPerth Modern School
VihaanGolvelkerCarey Baptist College 
VikrantVijayakumar Kelmscott Senior High School
VrindaaVarmaPerth Modern School / Dux Winner
XinyiFangHarrisdale Senior High School
XuchenZhuPerth Modern School
Yahya IshaqKhanWilletton Senior High School
YanXiePerth Modern School
YenukWeerasingheRossmoyne Senior High School
YevinKalutotageWilletton Senior High School
Yihan GraceCuiPerth College / Carine Senior High School
YongleShiPerth Modern School
Zachary JayhanAchariamHarrisdale Senior High School
ZexinZhaoWilletton Senior High School
ZoyaFatimaPerth Modern School
ZuhayerMahruzWilletton Senior High School
Avinesh NidhiGaneshPerth Modern School
SubanHasanMelville Senior High School


2021 ICAS Medal Winners and/or Top Performers (WA)
First NameSurname2021 ICAS Medal Winners and/or Top Performers
AarviDuaY4 Spelling Bee Medal Winner
AdhithiMohankumarY5 English Medal Winner 
AliceWangY4 Writing Medal Winner
AshvinBalavignanY5 Spelling Bee Medal Winner
ChenuthiBandaraY5 Math Top Performer
DaksayanSasiharanY2 Math Top Performer
DarylKuhY4 Math Top Performer
DinageeWijekoonY5  Spelling Bee Medal Winner
DiyaSanjayY6 Spelling BeeTop Performer
EmmaWengY3  English Top Performer
JudeenaPiratheepanY2 English & Y2 Math Top Performer
KritishSaimathavanY6 Math Top Performer
LisathWijekoonY3 Spelling Bee Top Performer
NethuliSomarathnaY3 Writing Medal Winner
NikkiSusantoY6 English Top Performer
NileeshaSenthuranY2 Spelling Bee Top Performer
PhoebeWenY3 Math Top Performer
ShayanIslamY5 Math Top Performer
YanmingLiY4 Digital Technologies Top Performer
2022 Annual Award Presentation News (WA)

2022 Private School Scholarships & Ignite Program Winners (SA)

Congratulations to our Scholarship and Ignite winners.

2021 Scholarship / GATE Winners (WA)
First NameSurnameSchool
Aarav RiccoPaulPerth Modern School
AbinashJeyanthanMelville SHS
AdamIngramScotch College
AdarshNatarajanWilletton SHS
AjitPenikalapatiPerth Modern
AkshikaGuptaWilletton SHS
Aleena BinuNairPerth Modern
AlmasHudaWilletton SHS
AmberLynchAll Saints’ College
AndrewGilleecePerth Modern
AngelinaLiyanagePerth Modern
AngelinaHoShenton College
AngeloNethmaka SilvaWilletton SHS
AparnaSachithranKelmscott SHS
AreebahKhanBob Hawke College
AshikaAradhyaRossmoyne SHS
AshtonXian Jun YuWilletton SHS
AswiniRegmiKelmscott SHS
AvaniRoopaiMethodist Ladies’ College / Perth Modern
AydinHasanShenton College
BrianHoMount Lawley SHS
CaiyanYuPerth Modern
ChantelleHuiRossmoyne SHS
CharlesTeoWilletton SHS
ChloeJainSt Hilda’s  / Penhros / Perth Modern
ChristianPasqualeRossmoyne SHS
ClaireWangMethodist Ladies’ College
ClarissaSeeHoly Cross College
Coco AngeliqueBurgessPerth Modern
DanielPuddeyChrist Church Grammar School
DarianKaramipourPerth Modern
DebdattacharuBhattacharjeeRossmoyne SHS
DhairyaChhajerPerth Modern
Dharmik ChowdaryThummalaPerth Modern / Carey Baptist College
DonalTonyPerth Modern
ElaineChanPerth Modern
ElizavetaFedotovaHoffman Pri SCHLR / Bob Hawke College
ElyseeNg YizhenPerth Modern
Emilio RafaelMatanguihanPerth Modern
Eric WenhaoXiaKelmscott SHS
ErikKaoTrinity College/ Perth Modern
Ethan Jun-ShengChenPerth Modern
GerryneNgooCarey Baptist College
GokulRamadasKelmscott SHS
HarnoorSinghGovernor Stirling SHS
IsabellaLeniartekAll Saints’ College
IshaanKanodiaChrist Church / Perth Modern
JamesJin-WardenShenton College
JasonVettoorChisholm Catholic College
JaydenGohTrinity College
JudyWangCarine SHS
JulietaBravoCarine SHS
Kasish RajaShankarPerth Modern
KathleenLinApplecross SHS
Kavinima InduwariniMallawa ThanthrigePerth Modern
KristinaChauMount Lawley SHS
Kyle JyenNgPerth Modern
TejasMorisettyAll Saints’ College
LakshmiShresthaKelmscott SHS
LeahWuAll Saints’ College
LiliaBradleyPerth Modern
LinishaThayatharanPerth Modern
Lisa JiwooYuPerth Modern
Lucas RobertBlackWilletton SHS
Malvin EleazherGintingHarrisdale SHS
MatildaMaPerh Modern
Methika DinukWijesiriMount Lawley SHS
MihindeeWeerasinghePerth Modern
Muhammad Rafif PravintaraKusumoPerth Modern
Muhammad SarimShazleesPerth Modern
NavanitDineshPerth Modern
Nethaya MihindeeWeerasinghePerth Modern
NisheshPaudelPerth Modern
NithilanEzhil KotranBunbury SHS
NivethihaManoharanPerth Modern
PariRawatPerth Modern
ParinikaPathakPerth Modern
Paul Henricus ScaveniusHodgesPerth Modern
PeiyaoJiangWilletton SHS
PiaMungraSt. Andrew’s Grammar
PrastutiBeniyaWilletton SHS
Q M AlmasHudaWilletton SHS
Qiyan EmmaZhangAll Saints’ College / Perth Modern
RafifKusumoPerth Modern
RaminAlahsanRossmoyne SHS
RanganaJeyageethanRossmoyne SHS
RayaanSameerPerth Modern
Rayhan WasikAnindoDuncraig SHS
Sandra LinSoeKelmscott SHS
SenejaWillamunePerth Modern
Shawn OluwasemiloreGbajabiamilaRossmoyne SHS
SofiHongPerth Modern
StanyJomonHarrisdale SHS
Suri SiyuanZhangPerth Modern
SusannaCheWilletton SHS
TahliaNguyenChurchlands SHS
TanishkaMenariaPerth Modern
TejasNarayanPerth Modern
Valerie Kye ChingTayShenton College
VihanPathirathnaPerth Modern
VinudhiSilvaSt Hilda’s / Perth Modern
Vy AnTranRossmoyne SHS
Wilbert Zhi YuanLeongMelville SHS
William-AshtonWee-FradalePerth Modern
WindsonTangHale School  / Perth Modern
ZaraNguyenPerth Modern
ZihanZhangMLC / Perth Modern
ZihanWangPerth Modern
ZiXuanHuPerth Modern
ZohaYousufKelmscott SHS


Many other Scholarship/GATE Winners & High Achievers are not listed as per their discretion.

2020 Top 1% ATAR Achievers (WA)
First NameSurname2019 Top 1% ATAR Achievers
TaranvirSingh Kular 99.15% ATAR

Many other Top 1% ATAR Achievers are not listed as per their discretion.

2020 ICAS Medal Winners and/or Top Performers (WA)
First NameSurname2020 ICAS Medal Winners and/or Top Performers
Aanisha ParveenSiddiqueY7 Maths Top Performer
AarviDuaY3 Maths Top Performer
AkshayanMukbathanY5 English Medal & Top Maths
AshvinBalavignanY4 Science and Spelling Bee Medal
BeatriceChongY7 Maths Top Performer
ChelseaWuY5 Digital Technology Medal Winner
DhruvSanjayY2 Spelling Bee Top Performer
DiyaSanjayY5 Spelling Bee Medal Winner
Dylan JamesVytialingamY2 Maths Medal Winner
IshaanGuptaY2 Maths Medal Winner
JacobTanY3 Digital Tech Top Performer
LisathWijekoonY2 English and Science Medal
MathoosanMurugavelY5 Maths Medal Winner
NiranjanMenonY3 Spelling Bee Top Performer
ShanjayiJeyageethanY4 English Medal Winner
ShayanIslamY4 Maths Top Performer
Taksheel KumarKadriY5 Science Top Performer
VikaashSurendranY3 English Top Performer
Emily, YanxiZhangY3 Maths & Spelling Bee Top Performer


Many other ICAS Medal Winners and/or Top Performers are not listed as per their discretion.

2021 Computational and Algorithmic Thinking Competition Top Performers (NSW)
First NameYearCAT Competition Result
DavidYear 5High Distinction
LawrenceYear 5High Distinction
RaksithYear 6High Distinction
BrightYear 5Full Marks

Here are the testimonials from our award winning 2020-2023 students:

What I most value about NorthShore was that they instilled a sense of responsibility and accountability in me, as well as the core values of motivation, determination and hard work. This idea of having the responsibility to put my one hundred percent into every task and question that I do, along with the accountability to make sure that I get every question correct and never repeat the same error, was the backbone of my academic growth and accomplishments over the years.

Name removed at request 99.85% ATAR High Achiever

I am grateful for North Shore and all the exceptional teachers at Rossmoyne who have taught me well. I would also like to thank my parents for their continuous support and encouragement to excel in any endeavours.

A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, and that step is North Shore.

Chelsea Wu Scholarship & GATE winnerRead Chelsea Wu's Full Speech >

All the teachers at North Shore are extremely friendly. They will motivate their students and encourage them with little awards. Also, they always help with your weak points and try to help you as much as possible. North Shore also taught me new things that you probably won’t learn until a year later at school. As a result, my grades got better, I found school easier, and I became one of the smarter students in my class.

Daisy Wu Scholarship & GATE winnerRead Daisy Wu's Full Speech >

Northshore has been instrumental to my success at Gate and scholarship exams because Northshore provided me with important study skills, self-discipline, advanced course materials and much more. I also obtained valuable training in how to tackle hard questions within a given time limit which is the key to success in any scholarship exam. I would like to extend my heartful gratitude and thanks to all my wonderful teachers at Northshore for showing me my true potential and for guiding me all throughout. Thank you for making one of my many dreams come true.

Diya Sanjay Scholarship & GATE winnerRead Diya Sanjay's Full Speech >

Before the GATE and scholarship tests happened, I went to the North Shore Holiday Program three times. The program really helped as I learnt time management during a test, and what the test is like through a mock test.
During the later terms of Year 5, North Shore also had weekly in-class GATE mock tests training. This was very good because I can tell how I was fully prepared for the GATE test.

Vrindaa Varma Dux & GATE winnerRead Vrindaa Varma's Full Speech >
Taranvir Singh Kular - Top 1% ATAR High Achiever

“I would like to thank North Shore and its staff, especially Shaxx for pushing me to a level I never thought was possible. Shaxx has been my teacher and mentor since year 11 and without him I wouldn’t have got a 99 ATAR. I remember when I received my ATAR score at around 3 in the afternoon. At 3:02 I was on the phone with Shaxx. I have never had a teacher as great and as awesome as Shaxx and I don’t think I ever will.”

Taranvir Singh Kular 99.15% ATAR High AchieverRead Taranvir Singh Kula's Full Speech >
Ishaan Kanodia - Scholarship & GATE Winner

“I would like to thank North Shore for all the wonderful opportunities it has provided me with, that eventually led to me being accepted in Perth Modern School and receiving a scholarship to Christ Church Grammar School. The teachers at North Shore are passionate about what they teach and are all around sincere and hard-working people. They always give constructive and detailed feedback and visually show what you need to improve. They drive you to put in 200% of your effort in all of your tasks.

Ishaan Kanodia Scholarship & GATE WinnerRead Ishaan Kanodia's Full Speech >
Zihan Zhang - Scholarship & GATE Winner

“I would like the thank North Shore and all the staff and teachers who are so dedicated in teaching the students and making sure every lesson if fun and enjoyable. North Shore has been a place where I not only developed academic skills but it also taught me how to be more social and make more friends. North Shore is a great tutoring centre which has taught me to put everything towards not just maths questions but everything in life. Life is like a valley where you have to climb up, and try your best not to fall down the slopes, it will be hard to do this, but one day, when you are older, you will look back at the path you’ve taken and be astonished that you went that far, and persisted.”

Zihan Zhang Recipient of Methodist Ladies College Scholarship & Gained Admittance to Perth Modern through GATERead Zihan Zhang's Full Speech >

“Being at North Shore, I have picked up a truckload of skills and knowledge, had the opportunity to be taught by some fantastic teachers and gained a whole group of friends.”

Jahin Anwar 99.90 ATAR High Achiever

“North Shore gave me educational support all the way from my first day, to the GATE exam preparation classes in Year 6 and finally to the WACE exams in Year 12. It has been a long tough journey, but my teachers and friends at North Shore, and my parents, were along with me all the way. Not only has North Shore gifted me with academic ability, but also important life skills such as discipline, problem solving, time management, creative thinking and social skills.”

Peng Sheng High Achiever

“Thank you to the teachers who have taught me and have been passionate about their work. Thank you for passing on your knowledge to me and encouraging me to strive to do my best. You can only be you, the best you and no one can take that away. My parents and teachers taught me to never give up and try your best. Even if it meant to do extra math or go to that chemistry tutorial. To push your limits and see where you end up. There is no easy road to success.”

Vivienne Young High Achiever Year 12 Student

Success Stories

For the past 30 years, North Shore Coaching College has consistently assisted its students to excel in external examinations, high school examinations, international competitions, assessments for schools and other competitions.

Congratulations to our students who continue to excel in public high school examinations, International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS), South-East Asian Mathematical Olympiad (SEAMO), and other competitions to maintain our excellent record of achievement. Outstanding results once again reflect the hard work and dedication of both our students and tutors.

North Shore students excelled in many areas this year

Our students were among the most successful recipients of Independent School Scholarships with thousands continue to receive places in our country’s most prestigious private schools.

We have consistently been receiving good news of our students who were awarded places in Opportunity Classes, scholarships at private schools, Selective High Schools, IGNITE program, Gifted & Talented Placement and SEAL classes.

To view testimonials and success stories from some of our students and parents, please click on the testimonial/success story to expand its corresponding tab.

Louise Cai, High Achieving Student

Dear Mr Mak, Thank you for teaching me maths for a year. I learnt heaps and had fun while learning. Your techniques have allowed me to gain a placement at North Sydney Girls High. Thanks very much! From a happy student, Louise Cai.

Monica Wang, Mother of Student

“North Shore Coaching Chatswood is much professional than others in this area. The services they provide are high stand. Strongly recommend.”

Om Adam, Parent of Student at Bankstown, NSW

“Thank you so much Rosa for your cooperation with our kids and all students you have, you are the best, most of the students joined North Shore last year in SELECTIVE preparation got a spot in selective schools 😊🤩.”

Patty Yuen, Mother of Student

“A great way to assist overseas kids to make a smooth transition into the Australian educational system esp when skipping a grade. My child enjoyed the challenges from the syllabus of the advanced stream, and he’s enjoying the science component of the course.”

Mineli Wickersinghe, Mother of Student

“North Shore year 5 and 6 program — Fast Train is excellent for developing children’s concept in mathematics.”

Ishita Gupta, Scholarship & GATE Winner

“Without the skills imparted by North Shore, and support from my parents, I would not have been able to qualify for Duncraig Senior High school through GATE and receive a scholarship to IONA Presentation College.”

James Brew, Achieved 99.8/100 in the school English Component of Selective

“I am extraordinarily privileged to have had access to the amazing teaching and the rewarding programs here at North Shore. I can truly say that this program is excelling in every aspect and provides a quality of teaching I’ve never seen before. I never thought I could write a new text every week and complete a seemingly huge Maths booklet in my busy schedule, but the hours of hard work have paid off with me coming out of the program with selective school success and multiple scholarships.

I also scored a 99.8/100 in the school English component of selective which is all thanks to the incredible teaching of the teachers at North Shore Coaching College. I extend my thanks to all of the teachers that have helped me learn new and exciting Maths principles and equations, who have taught me how to make my poetry flow and who have taught me that patterns and number sequences aren’t all that hard.”

Isabella Lee, Student at Shenton College

“North Shore has taught me so many things, from expanding polynomials to essay writing techniques, but the one lesson that will always stay with me, throughout my life, is the life lessons they taught me. North Shore taught me that no matter how hard it seems, you can achieve anything if you work hard enough for it.”

Amelia Chiang, Scholarship Winner
“I first started attending North Shore Coaching College when I was in Grade 3 to seek a solution to achieve higher academic results in school. I still remember the first time I walked through the classroom doors, feeling all nervous inside but also a bit excited. However, it didn’t take long for me to get used to classes on Saturday and to make some new friends.

Now, when I walk through the doors I just see a smiling teacher and I quickly I grab my seat. After attending North Shore Coaching College, I realised that I didn’t have to be just another high achiever, but I could reach my full potential and be the best version of myself.”

North Shore Secret of Success

  • Our programs are researched by highly competent, effective and qualified educators.
  • Weekly tests in English, Maths and Thinking Skills (previously known as General Ability) at Year 5 and 6 levels are an integral part of the preparation for success in scholarship exams (ACER, Edutest, AAS) and Selective Schools Exam.
  • Continuous improvement and constant monitoring of changes to each state’s High School format and Syllabus. We undertake immediate and effective changes to our curriculum to not only reflect these changes to the High School assessments but to ensure that North Shore remain the most effective tuition college in Australia. Our students go on to distinguish themselves at Australia’s most respected universities.
  • Courses have proven extremely beneficial in assisting students to realise their potential and gain placement in Selective Schools and prestigious private schools.

Academic Accolades and Awards

Current and Previous Projects

North Shore Coaching College together with The University of Melbourne was awarded a SPIRT grant to research, “Ways to Improve Problem Solving Abilities of Students”. Close to 1,000 students were involved in the “proof of concept” and the final report was well received …

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Quest Business Achievers Awards – North Shore Coaching College, consistently won the “Quest Business Achievers Awards” for Favourite Local Business in the Education & Coaching category. These prestigious annual awards are nominated by over 20,000 local readers of the Quest Community Newspapers published across Greater …

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Accolade by Professor Griffin – Director of Assessment Research Centre, University of Melbourne
For the past fifteen years the University of Melbourne, through its Assessment Research Centre, has been collaborating with the North Shore Coaching College, Research & Development Division to conduct the Creative Problem Solving Competition.

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