How to Prepare your Child for School Success
How best to prepare students for school success is a hot topic – especially with parents whose children are facing OC, Selective Schools and scholarship exams. The internet is awash with advice on this topic. A quick Google search will reveal a multitude of the ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ of successful preparation. Some websites will go so far as to offer ‘foolproof’ advice that will, apparently, lead to guaranteed success.
Unfortunately, most of this advice, however well-meaning, will not bring about the desired outcome. Advice on school success is a little like advertisements for beauty products – big on promises but not on results.
This article will take a new perspective on the topic of preparing your child for success because often we approach the topic from the wrong angle.
Funny as it may sound, ‘successful’ preparation has as much to do with the parent as it does with the child – possibly even more.

If you truly want your child to realise their potential, take the time to consider the following questions:
1. What is it that I am actually trying to prepare my child for?
This will sound like a silly question and in your head, you are already answering with replies such as “to get into Artarmon OC” or “to get a place at James Ruse”. Possibly the answer is “to win the Grammar Scholarship”.
But WHAT is it we are actually seeking? All of these responses have one thing in common – the desire for your child to meet with success.
2. Could ‘success’ look different to what I imagined?
There are times in life when it helps if we are willing to accept the ‘success’ may actually end up being a little different to how you currently perceive it to be. Think of the jobs you coveted only to lose out in the final round of the interview or the house you wanted to buy only to be outbid at the last moment.
We look back on such events a couple of years later to see that things worked out fine and possibly, even better than we may have previously imagined.
The same is true with our children’s education.
3. Is it possible to re-imagine success?
It is easy to become focussed on a single path of action. Whilst Artarmon Public School OC class, James Ruse or Sydney Grammar may be your ultimate goal, it is important to recognise that there is a wealth of schools providing quality education. Have a ‘Plan B’. Undertake research for other school options – attend a variety of school open days and you may get a very pleasant surprise. A school that was never on your radar may end up impressing you.
4. So, which is the best school?
There simply is no such thing. It doesn’t exist. It never has. It never will.
Because each child is unique – having individual needs, talents and motivations. No one school is ideal for all. If it was, it would have been painstakingly replicated and appeared all over the world in the thousands of years in which we have formalised the education process. What is an ideal educational setting for one child will not necessarily match the needs of another. There is no such institution as the perfect or best school.
For that reason, it pays to be mindful of the advice
offered by other parents. The feedback will relate to their child – not yours and may be unfairly biased (either positively or negatively). Also, seek out advice from people who are not ‘personally invested in the school (i.e. do not have a child in the school and do not have a financial interest in the school).
8 Steps to Success:
So what is my recipe for successfully preparing your child?
1. Know your child’s aptitude – their true skills and abilities. Are they an ‘all-rounder’ or do they have stronger skills in maths? Are they more skilled in writing than in numeracy? Do you need to build certain skills that are currently lacking?
2. Enrich their learning through quality literacy and numeracy programs. This may involve specific exam preparation courses to boost their exam-taking and time-management skills.
3. Seek advice from qualified educators. We at North Shore are always available to be your sounding board and provide obligation-free advice. We have been in the education profession for over 30 years.
4. Find a school that meets your child’s skills, abilities and aspirations. Don’t try to make your child ‘fit’ the school.
5. Don’t pick a school on the basis of friendship groups. Your child will make new friends even if their best friends are attending a different school.
6. Recognise that success is not a school name. Even the most prestigious schools are not a guarantee of success – it is up to the effort of the individual student.
7. Trust your intuition. Visit prospective schools and if the feeling you get is that it won’t suit your child then, please, trust your intuition. Speaking to the mothers, remember you carried and knew your child for 9 months before the rest of the world had a chance to meet them. You know them better than they know themselves!
8. Supplement the education process. North Shore stands proudly beside you as a partner in your child’s education. It is our privilege to be part of your child’s education journey.
In life we have to push our children to be their best but, more importantly, we have to recognise when they have achieved their best. They need to be aware when we are proud of their efforts.
Academic success is vital but so is social and emotional development to ensure your child takes their rightful place in society and becomes the type of person of whom you may become truly proud.
Have a great term.
Tony Hanlon
National Deputy Principal