Scholarship Exam Prep

Various Scholarship & Selective Tests in Australia

What is the ACER Scholarship Test?

The ACER Scholarship Tests are used across Australia. Their purpose is to identify academically gifted students for the express task of awarding a scholarship. The tests are designed to rank applicants, finely differentiating the top end of performance.

Applicants are required to demonstrate a range of skills such as the ability to interpret, infer, deduce and think critically. The tests are not curriculum based. Further, they do not test the student’s ability to retrieve learned knowledge.

Many private schools across Australia employ the ACER Scholarship Test in determining worthy recipients. It should be noted that a number of other private schools use other testing platforms.

Parents are advised to directly contact the school(s) concerned for information on their scholarship application process.

What is the SEAL Exam?

The Select Entry Accelerated Learning (SEAL) Schools placement test is used in the state of Victoria to determine entry for academically gifted students to accelerate their learning in select government secondary schools.

Once a student is successful in gaining entry to Secondary schools in Victoria offering SEAL programs the students undertake Year 8 work in Year 7, and the option to complete their secondary education in five years instead of six, or students can choose to undertake a more comprehensive Victorian Certificate of Education that takes three years instead of two years to complete.

Parents are advised to directly contact the Department of Education and Training in Victoria for information on SEAL application process. For exam preparation courses specifically suited for Year 5 students in Victoria, please view our Year 5 (SSEP) Scholarship & SEAL Exam Preparation Course or contact our Box Hill Principle Campus for more information.

What is the SHE Exam?

The Selective High School Exam (SHE) is a placement test used to determine entry for academically gifted students in Victoria’s selective high schools.

High achieving students in Years 9 to 12 in Victoria attend the 4 selective high schools in Victoria.

Parents are advised to directly contact the Selective Entry Unit of the Department of Education and Training in Victoria for information on the selective entry high schools and their application application process. For exam preparation courses specifically suited for Year 7 and 8 students in Victoria, please view our Year 7 and 8 (SHE) Selective High Exam Preparation Course or contact our Box Hill Principle Campus for more information.

Scholarship Exam Prep Core Programs

Scholarship Exam Prep Booster Programs

Year 6 Exam Preparation Program (4 Hours)

Year 6 Exam Preparation Program (4 Hours)

Year 6 Exam Preparation Program (4 Hours)

Year 6 Exam Preparation Program (2.5 Hours)

Year 6 Exam Preparation Program (2.5 Hours)

Year 6 Exam Preparation Program (2.5 Hours)

Year 6 Exam Preparation Program (1.5 Hours)

Year 6 Exam Preparation Program (1.5 Hours)

Year 6 Exam Preparation Program (1.5 Hours)

Year 6 Writing for Exam Success

Year 6 Writing for Exam Success

Year 6 Writing for Exam Success

Year 6 Future Writers – Advanced Writing Skills

Year 6 Future Writers – Advanced Writing Skills

Year 6 Future Writers – Advanced Writing Skills

Scholarship Exam Prep Holiday Programs

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