Ages 5+ Term Program

Fastrain Programs

Focus on English, Maths, General Ability, Reading, Phonics.

Suited for children ages 5+.

The first year of formal schooling is critical for later success in life. Our ages 5+ term program ensures your child receives a comprehensive education that covers the fundamental skills and competencies necessary for academic success. Ensure your child’s progress is maximised at school by enrolling your child today.

Our ages 5+ term program is referred as the following in their respective states/territory:

  • NSW/ACT: Ages 5+ years old called Kindergarten
  • VIC/QLD: Ages 5+ years old called Prep
  • WA: Ages 5+ years old is called Pre-Prep
  • SA: Ages 5+ years old called Reception


Course Structure
  • 4 terms in a year, 10 weeks in a term
  • 3 hour lessons every week
  • Small class group based
  • Experienced educators
  • Students attend lessons once a week at their allocated time schedule.
Course Goals
  • Advanced phonic phonic skills – single sounds, blends and diphthongs
  • Develop handwriting skills
  • Develop spelling skills
  • Develop writing skills and sentence formation
  • Develop sight vocabulary
  • Develop advanced knowledge of number up to three digits
  • Develop numerical operations and advanced counting skills
  • Develop basic general ability (thinking skills) concepts
  • On Campus

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