Year 1 Tutoring

“The Advanced Student is One Who Has Mastered the Basics.”

North Shore Coaching College offers exceptional tutoring programs for Year 1 students across all states in Australia. Our Year 1 program builds upon the education from prior years of learning, however is much more formal. 

Our Year 1 tutoring aims towards the development of:

  • Literacy skills (vocabulary, grammar, spelling, reading, punctuation, phonics)
  • Mathematical and numeracy fundamentals
  • Comprehension skills
  • Literal and inferential skills 
  • Writing skills across varying text types (information text, creative text, argumentative text, poetry, plays)
  • Thinking skills (which is also referred to as general ability skills)

Our courses provide the ideal combination of challenges for us to gain an understanding of each student’s capacity, so we can refine our focus and ideally, help build that student’s foundation to perform well in Year 1 and beyond.

We encourage parents to contact us if they would like further specific information about our courses.

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