Term 1
Week 1 — Texts and Rhetoric: Ethos, Pathos, Logos
Week 2 — Debating Part I: Analysing Arguments
Week 3 — Debating Part II: Writing Arguments
Week 4 — Writing Skills: Discursive Writing
Week 5 — Language and Purpose
Week 6 — Reading for Context
Week 7 — Language of Images
Week 8 — Term Test
Week 9 — Objective Language
Week 10 — Subjective Language
Term 2
Week 1 — Art of Writing: Topics to themes
Week 2 — Art of writing: setting and atmosphere
Week 3 — Art of writing: advanced characterisation
Week 4 — Art of writing: Narrative voice
Week 5 — Art of writing: Narrative conflict
Week 6 — Art of writing: Motifs and symbolism
Week 7 — Art of writing: Dialogue
Week 8 — Term 2 Exam
Week 9 — Art of writing: writing prompts
Week 10 — Term 2 Review
Term 3
Week 1 – Ethos, Pathos, Logos
Week 2 – The Multi Modal
Week 3 – Characterisation
Week 4 – Setting & Atmosphere
Week 5 – Narrative Conflict
Week 6 – Symbolic Association
Week 7 – Objectivity vs. Subjectivity
Week 8 – Term 3 Exam
Week 9 – Art of Rhetoric
Week 10 – Examination Essays
Term 4
Week 1 – Reading to Write I: Developing thesis to persuasive and creative
Week 2 – Reading to Write II: Shaping for purpose and audience:
Comparing and contrasting texts
Week 3 – Reading to Write III: Reflecting and contesting social values
Week 4 – Narratives that shape our world I: Characterisation and thematic
Week 5 – Narratives that shape our world II: Working within Genre: The
Week 6 – Narratives that shape our world III: Transcending Realism
Week 7 – Critical study of texts I: Irony and satire
Week 8 – Critical study of texts I: Allegory
Week 9 – The craft of Writing I: Writing for Purpose
Week 10 – The craft of Writing I: Writing for Purpose