Year 10 Physics

Core Program

This course covers the key subject area of Physics and chemistry.

Our term courses are scheduled in line with public school term dates. There are 4 terms per year and usually 10 lessons per term, with one lesson each week. You can commence our courses at any time, however a new term starts in late January, April, July and October.

Our Physics/Chemistry course enable students to:

  • Develop knowledge of Physics concepts and the scientific method through theoretical and practical learning and experimentation.

Program schedules are designed to allow maximum flexibility for students.

Course Structure
  • Physics
  • 4 terms in a year, 10 weeks in a term
  • 1 hour lessons per week, during term
  • Can be combined with Chemistry (Physics + Chemistry: 2 hour lessons per week)
  • Can be combined with English/Maths (Physics + English/Maths: 2.5 hour lessons per week)
  • Can be combined with Chemistry and English/Maths (Physics + Chemistry + English/Maths: 3.5 hour lessons per week)
  • Can be combined with English and Maths (Physics + English + Maths: 4 hour lessons per week)
  • Students attend lessons at their allocated time schedule
  • Small class group based
  • Experienced educators
Course Outline


Term 1
Week 1 — Introduction to Physics
Week 2 — Motion
Week 3 — Motion Graphs
Week 4 — Motion Graphs 2
Week 5 — Newton’s Laws of Motion
Week 6 — Connecting Particles
Week 7 — Work and Power
Week 8 — Term Test
Week 9 — Equations of Motion
Week 10 — Revision

Term 3
Week 1 — Energy I
Week 2 — Energy II
Week 3 — The Big Bang Theory
Week 4 — Formation of Stars and Galaxies
Week 5 — Exploration of the Universe
Week 6 — Introduction to Waves
Week 7 — Properties of Waves
Week 8 — Term Test
Week 9 — Electromagnetic Waves
Week 10 — Revision

Term 3
Week 1 – Electric Circuits I
Week 2 – Electric Circuits II
Week 3 – Electric Circuits III
Week 4 – Electric Circuits IV
Week 5 – Heat I
Week 6 – Heat II
Week 7 – Heat III
Week 8 – Term Test
Week 9 – Revision I
Week 10 – Revision II

Term 4 (Year 11 Jumpstart)
Week 1 — Kinematics
Week 2 — Dynamics
Week 3 — Waves (I)
Week 4 — Waves (II)
Week 5 — Thermodynamics
Week 6 — Electricity (I)
Week 7 — Electricity (II)
Week 8 — Revision & Test
Week 9 — Circular Motion
Week 10 — Practical and Data processing skills

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