Year 11 Chemistry

Core Program

Our Year 11 Chemistry course (Units 1 & 2), cover key topics, reinforce foundations and focus on typical examinations questions, so students will be more confident at school.

Our term courses are scheduled in line with public school term dates. There are 4 terms per year and usually 10 lessons per term, with one lesson each week. You can commence our courses at any time, however a new term starts in late January, April, July and October.

Our courses enable students to:

  • Develop knowledge of chemistry concepts and the scientific method through theoretical and practical learning
  • Develop all skills and knowledge to fulfil syllabus objectives and outcomes
  • Acquire an extensive range of problem-solving strategies and techniques to maximise exam results
  • Develop and foster self-discipline and efficient study habits
  • Turn hard work and efforts into visible rewards

Our course fees are inclusive of all learning materials. Each lesson includes an experienced educator teaching learning concepts and examples, students completing exercises and homework tasks to reinforce concepts.

We offer face-to-face and online learning options.

Join us for Tuition that Works. For further information, please contact us.

Course Structure
  • Chemistry Units 1 & 2
  • 4 terms in a year, 10 weeks in a term
  • 2 hour lessons per week, during term
  • Students attend lessons at their allocated time schedule
  • Small class group based
  • Experienced educators
Course Outline - Unit 1

Year 11 CHEMISTRY Unit 1

The big ideas of Chemistry
Area of Study 1: The Periodic Table

Term 1
Week 1 — Atomic theory- historical development with contributions from Dalton – Chadwick.
Week 2 — Quantum mechanics & calculation of relative atomic mass including data from the mass spectrometer.
Week 3 — The Periodic Table – historical development from Mendeleev to Seaborg
Week 4 — The Periodic Table – a chemical perspective. Trends across periods and down groups.
Week 5 — The mole concept & Avogadro’s Constant.
Week 6 — Relative molecular mass, molar mass, % composition & significant figures
Week 7 — Types of chemical formulae and empirical and molecular formula calculations.
Week 8 — Test
Week 9 — Area of Study 2 – Materials and Metallic Bonding
Week 10 — Ionic Bonding

Area of Study 2: Materials

Term 2
Week 1 — Covalent bonding
Week 2 — More on structure and bonding
Week 3 — Carbon Chemistry – alkanes and alkenes up to C6. Isomers. Functional groups.
Week 4 — Carbon chemistry – functional groups, types of reactions and polymers
Week 5 — Revision of Unit I chemistry
Week 6 — Surface chemistry & nanotechnology
Week 7 — Chemical reactions and equations
Week 8 — Test
Week 9 — VCE Unit 2 – Environmental Chemistry – Water. The unique role of water
Week 10 — Solubility and precipitation

Course Outline - Unit 2

Year 11 CHEMISTRY Unit 2

Environmental Chemistry
Area of Study 1: Water

Term 1
Week 1 — Water quality and water treatment
Week 2 — Acids & bases
Week 3 — pH
Week 4 — Stoichiometry
Week 5 — More stoichiometry and volumetric analysis
Week 6 — An introduction to redox
Week 7 — More redox
Week 8 — Test
Week 9 — Green chemistry
Week 10 — Area of Study 2 – The Atmosphere

Area of Study 2: The Atmosphere

Term 2
Week 1 — Ozone depletion, smog and the preparation and properties of the main gases
Week 2 — The gas laws
Week 3 — The general gas equation & molar volume
Week 4 — Volume – volume stoichiometry
Week 5 — Revision of Unit 2
Week 6 — Calculations practice
Week 7 — Equations practice
Week 8 — Test
Week 9 — Preparation for year 12 – Analysis
Week 10 — Preparation for year 12 – Analysis and organic chemistry

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