Term 1
Week 1 — Area & Perimeter, Coding & Decoding, Revision
Week 2 — Exam Hints, Algebra, Revision, PS
Week 3 — Logical conclusion, ratios, fractions and %
Week 4 — Exam Tips, Unit of measurement, PS
Week 5 — Exam Tips, Number, Measurement, time, distance and speed, perimeter & Area
Week 6 — Exam Tips, graphs, Challenging Questions
Week 7 — Lateral thinking, graphs, missing numbers
Week 8 — Work rates, profit & Loss, PS
Week 9 — Percentages, PS, Logic and lateral thinking
Week 10 — Simple Interest, PS, Exam question practice
Term 2
Week 1 — Concept teaching – introduction to science, Algebra 1, PS
Week 2 — Algebra-2, PS, Introduction to Geology
Week 3 — Directed Numbers-1, PS, Intro. to Biology
Week 4 — Directed Numbers-2, PS, Germination of Seeds
Week 5 — Area of triangle, PS, Acidity & Alkalinity
Week 6 — Pythagorean theorem, PS, The water cycle
Week 7 — Area, Logic & Lateral thinking, Sound
Week 8 — Term Test + PS, Concept teaching – Light
Week 9 — Simple equations 1, PS, Science – static electricity, attraction & repulsion
Week 10 — Controlled experiments, simple equations 2, PS, testing ideas & making observations
Term 3
Week 1 — Chemical (Endothermic reactions) Algebra-III, PS
Week 2 — Acids & Alkalis, Algebra-IV, PS
Week 3 — Starches & Fats, L.C.M, PS
Week 4 — Divisibility tests for 6/9/10, sums & differences, Exam questions
Week 5 — Fractions-I, Mixtures, PS, Logic & Lateral
Week 6 — Fractions-II, concept teaching – Magnets, PS
Week 7 — Rate, concept teaching – Magnetic field, PS
Week 8 — Term Test + PS, Concept teaching – Geometry
Week 9 — Ratio, magnetism & technology, PS
Week 10 — Direct proportion, forces & Motion, PS
Term 4
Week 1 — Mass and weight, significant figures, PS
Week 2 — Gravity, introduction to co-ordinates – I, PS
Week 3 — The moon and its phases, introduction to Co-ordinates – II, PS
Week 4 — Astronomy, algebraic expressions-I, PS
Week 5 — Stars & constellations, algebraic expressions-II, PS, logic & lateral thinking
Week 6 — The solar system, linear equations – I, PS
Week 7 — Earth Science, Linear Equation-II, PS
Week 8 — Term Test
Week 9 — Volcanoes & Cave formations, geometry, PS
Week 10 — Introduction to geology, square & square root