Year 8 English

Core Program

This course covers the key subject area of English, including Essay and Genre Writing.

Our term courses are scheduled in line with public school term dates. There are 4 terms per year and usually 10 lessons per term, with one lesson each week. You can commence our courses at any time, however a new term starts in late January, April, July and October.

Our English course enable students to:

  • Improve English skills such as comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, genre and essay writing by using imaginative, interpretive and critical thinking to analyse and compose a variety of texts.

Program schedules are designed to allow maximum flexibility for students.

Course Structure
  • English (including Essay & Genre Writing)
  • 4 terms in a year, 10 weeks in a term
  • 1.5 hour lessons per week, during term face-to-face lessons; or
  • 1 hour lessons per week, during term on North Shore LIVE (Zoom) lessons
  • Students attend lessons at their allocated time schedule
  • Small class group based
  • Experienced educators
Course Outline


Term 1
Week 1 — Mystery And Suspense I: Characterisation
Week 2 — Mystery And Suspense II: Plotting and Structure
Week 3 — Mystery And Suspense III: Manipulation of Responders/Readers
Week 4 — Mystery And Suspense IV: The ‘Gothic’ and the ‘Other’
Week 5 — Understanding Literature I: The Short Story
Week 6 — Understanding Literature II: Drama
Week 7 — Understanding Literature III: Poetry
Week 8 — Understanding Literature IV: Screenplays
Week 9 — Speech and Lecturette Writing I: Speeches and Lecturettes
Week 10 — Speech and Lecturette Writing II: Structure, Style and Presentation

Term 2
Week 1 — Essential Comprehension Skills I: Generic Prediction
Week 2 — Essential Comprehension Skills II: Question Types
Week 3 — Essential Comprehension Skills III: Developing Responses
Week 4 — Essential Comprehension Skills IV: Speed and Accuracy
Week 5 — Writing With Flare I: Anecdotal Text Types
Week 6 — Writing With Flare II: Short Stories
Week 7 — Writing With Flare III: The Feature Article
Week 8 — Writing With Flare IV: Op-Eds and Editorials
Week 9 — Approaching the Essay I: Structure and Style
Week 10 — Approaching the Essay II: Evidence and Strength of Argument

Term 3
Week 1 — The Art of Poetry: Capturing the moment
Week 2 — The Art of Poetry: Revealing Psychology
Week 3 — The Art of Poetry: Exploring Themes
Week 4 — The Art of Poetry: Experimenting with Form
Week 5 — Narrative Strategies: Using Suspense
Week 6 — Narrative Strategies: Using Point of View
Week 7 — Narrative Strategies: Using Atmosphere
Week 8 — Test
Week 9 — The Review: Novels
Week 10 — The Reading Skills Review

Term 4
Week 1 — Scripting : The Play on the Page and The Stage
Week 2 — Scripting : Film
Week 3 — Scripting : TV & Radio
Week 4 — Issues in Modern Life: Themes in Australian Literature
Week 5 — Issues in Modern Life: Search for Identity
Week 6 — Issues in Modern Life: Anxious Times
Week 7 — Three Rules in Success in Writing: Treating the Topic
Week 8 — Three Rules in Success in Writing: Using Structure and Style Appropriately
Week 9 — Three Rules in Success in Writing: Avoiding Generalisation
Week 10 — Adapting Media : From Short Story into Drama

  • On Campus

  • North Shore LIVE
    (Zoom Classes)

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